Personal Development
I am a Life Coach
This means that I help people to create better lives for themselves in a fun, practical and real way.
The people who benefit from seeing me are those who are looking for something more in their lives; more excitement, more freedom, more success, more energy, more love, more fun, more peace and quiet, more happiness, more quality time… more of all the good stuff.
Sometimes, they may want less; less stress, less conflict, less hassles, less overwhelm…
There is a lot of information and advice available out there. Everywhere we turn there are TV adverts, shops of self-help books, podcasts, Google, websites to subscribe to, and phone apps.
But, it's generic, built largely on a one-size-fits-all philosophy. The principles of Self-Help/Self Development are in fact solid, and easy to understand once familiar with them - it’s the application of them that is more difficult… because we are not, well, one-size-fits-all.
Life works better when it’s tailor made for you.
Think of your life as a piece of clothing; does it fit you properly, do you like it (or even better, do you love it), does it reflect who you are on the inside, how comfortable do you feel wearing it day after day, what adjustments does it require to be perfect, on you.
I help people to re-design their Life Cloak. Create a garment fit for purpose. Something beautiful and lasting.
And then, together we find their wings.